Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Same Old Thing


With a couple of days left until my much needed vacation I was again limited in my choices of hikes. Since it wasn't TOO hot I went out this morning near my house in La Quinta. I've done this hike numerous times this year and I always seem to see something new but today it felt like the same old thing.

I headed up the trail with Kahlua and cranked up Blonde on Blonde on the iPod. By playing different tunes on a familiar hike you can at least change something about it.

I don't think even Viagra could help this palm tree at this point.

Another tree suffering from extreme neglect.

Despite the serious heat of summer there are plenty of footprints on these trails although I never see anyone out here. They probably go before I get out of bed.

Kahlua is going to love the cooler temperatures this fall.

Of all the times I've been up here I have never been straight up this trail so I am actually doing something new today and I am astonished that I haven't covered every square inch of this hillside yet. And yes, there is a trail here.

As much as I love this place it will be wonderful to be sending pictures from Tahoe next week. I am very much looking forward to it.

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