Part of being a good navigator is not only knowing which way to go but knowing which way not to go. Today I become a much better navigator.
I set out to see if I could find an easy way to access the Gordon Trail, which goes from Palm Springs to Caramba Camp in upper Tahquitz Canyon and then on to Idyllwild. This trail was used in the 30s but access has been cut off by the Andreas Club, a private community on the mountain north of Andreas Canyon. I'm trying to find another way to get to the trail so I hiked out toward this canyon.
I get about 100 yards into the hike and abruptly come upon a stout barbed wire fence and a sign informing me that I'm not welcome. It's probably Andreas Club property. Those people are killing me.
So I went into the drainage of Os Wit Canyon and decide to try to get to the ridge from here.
If I were treasure hunting I'd know where to dig.
I angle up toward the mountain trying to find the best way to reach the ridge.
Maybe this trail will take me somewhere I want to go.
It only takes me part of the way and I veer off the trail but it's obvious someone's been up here before.
I continue up to what may or may not be the best way but unless rocks automatically stack upon boulders someone put this here for a reason.
Although there's no discernible route I keep going up . I don't think there's a best way really. If there is, I'm probably not on it.
I get to where I can look down upon the canyon that I wanted to originally go up and think it'd be a better way. I'll have to figure out another point of access.
But for now I have to get down before dark. This is not terrain that I want to be stuck in after dark. I won't have time for any more pictures but next time I come I'm going to plan on being up here for eight hours instead of just two so I can finally find the best way to access the Gordon Trail. I've already discovered the ways not to go.
Hal, the pics were not your usual quality. Did you use your iPhone for your camera? If so, you need to clean the lens. My work phone needs the lens cleaned every time I try to use it to take pics.
Good eye. My camera battery died after my second picture (they were freshly charged, too) and I used my iPhone but the lens got dirty and I was so concerned with not stumbling on rocks or stepping on a snake that I never checked it.
I bought some new lithium batteries for my camera so hopefully it won't happen again soon.
It's been several years since you attempted the Gordon Trail. Did you ever go back or have any luck finding the route
-chuck 714-788-8494
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