Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Light Workout


After yesterday's great hike I just did a nice little walk with the dog as my hike today. I'll put a couple of pictures of it up later. If you want you can go back and read yesterday's hike blog again. I'm still relishing the afterglow of how fun it was. Tomorrow I'll probably do another light and easy hike because Saturday I have another big, long adventure planned.

That oughta be a good one.

Here are the promised pictures.

Kahlua follows along. As much as that dog loves to go, I hate taking her when it's over 80ยบ. Even though she's a desert dog I worry about her hiking in too much heat. That black coat doesn't help either.

Kahlua squeezes through rocks on the trail.

In the distance you can see where some idiot spray painted the rocks next to the trail. I'll have to remember to get some brown spray paint to cover it up next time I go to Walmart or Home Depot. I don't go to either of those places often so maybe I should write it down.

And when I get the paint I need to remember to get DARK brown.

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