Friday, November 20, 2009

Hiking with the Herds


There are days when my hiking choices are limited; today was one of those days. I had to take the kids to school and then only had a short bit of time before I had to head to work. On days like this, when I have to hike a trail I've already done before, I try to mix it up a bit but doing a different combination of trails or canyons. It's boring but even a boring hike is better than most other activities in life.

I went to where the herds hike, behind Target, at the Bump and Grind trailhead. Instead of going up the B&G trail--which to me is a mall walk--I went south along the Hopalong Cassidy Trail. Considering the amount of money they've spent on these trails I would think there might be better signage here.

This is probably one of the best made trails in the desert. It's too bad so many people go the other way on the trail because this way is so much better.

It's not only because of this beautiful rock garden along the trail.

The trail is a single track all the way and is suitable for all members of the family whereas Bump and Grind is just a road.

Also, Bump and Grind doesn't have any of this fantastic hiking art along the way.

I should be careful when I ask for better signage because on some trails there's a tendency to overdo it. On the Herb Jefferies Trail, there are probably eight signs in 1/4 mile from the parking area to the trail.

I hike up the hill again and back to the crowds. A proper trailhead here would do well to show people what other trails are available. I think if people knew, this place wouldn't be nearly as busy.

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