Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

Day Thirty Two
I get off work with just enough time to do a short hike before watching the Super Bowl.  It's about 45 minutes until kickoff so I figure can do something quick, close to home, and then get back before the game begins.

So I start over at what I call Golf Course Gully.  This is the area that leads to where you overlook the La Quinta Mountain Course.  I figure maybe I can pick up a few stray balls before the game starts.

But then I see this trail heading AWAY from the course and wonder where it goes.  I'll just go check it out and then go by the course.

It looks like it goes to this little prospect where someone did some kind of digging.  

But there's only one problem.  The trail keeps going, but where?

The trail keeps going up!  I wonder why on earth someone would put this trail here and I think maybe Cahuilla hunters where the first and then some adventurous hikers.  Who knows?

I find some fresh sheep scat which lends credence to the hunter idea.

I've gained quite a bit of elevation and now I've missed the Super Bowl kickoff.  Oh well!

I get to the top and find that someone has put a stick in the ground to mark what seems to be the end of the trail.

I must have gained a thousand feet and can look down on the course in La Quinta

And up to Eisenhower.  I wonder how long it will make it there from here but now I have to hoof it if I want to make it home by halftime

I missed whole first half and who knows how many commercials? It's a good thing I couldn't care less about either team but I have to make it home before Springsteen comes on.  And while it was close I made it home just in time for the Boss!

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