Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Simply Perfect

This afternoon I wanted to do a little hike that required a shuttle.  My wife was willing to be my taxi but she had to pick up kids at school and then pick me up after that.  Sounds like a plan.

She left me off at Lake Cahuilla County Park so I could do the Morrow Trail over to the La Quinta Cove.  This trail has a special place in my heart.  I helped save it.

About eighteen years ago, I was hiking the entire loop of the Boo Hoof Trail and in the area near Lake Cahuilla came up to a bunch of survey markers all around this section of the trail.  The next morning I went to the city to find out what was going on out there.  They told me a country club was going in.  Asked if they knew there was a hiking trail that went through there, the city planning officer said he was not aware of it.  I gave him my business card--I ran a hiking shop-- and left.

About a half an hour after opening a gentleman came in my shop and introduced himself as the developer of the land.  I guess he didn't want some tree hugger putting a monkey wrench in his development plans.  We talked a bit about the trail.  I suggested that the trail be built around the property and everyone could be happy.  I got him in touch with the Desert Riders, a local equestrian group who built and maintained most of the local trails, and hoped for the best.  As it turned out the developer was a horseman from Montana and hit it off with the top dogs in the Desert Riders.  They went for a few rides together and came up with an agreement to route the trail around the outskirts of the club and keep it intact.  It was probably the best possible solution with the least amount of  hassle ever for two possibly opposing forces.  No court battles.  No bad words in the press.  No yelling at city council meetings.  Just two groups sitting down and working out something to everyone's benefit.  And even though my contribution was very minor, I'm still proud to have been a part of it just a little bit.  I wonder what might have happened had I not gone for that hike and noticed those survey markers.  It seems like I was there at just the right time.

I start hiking by Lake Cahuilla and head into the setting sun. 

The Morrow Trail is the name of this new section of the Boo Hoff Trail.  

Golfers out enjoying a round at The Quarry.  They asked my how I was doing and offered me some water.  I wish I'd seen them yesterday but I brought water today.  Too bad they didn't offer a cold beer.

Gee, I wonder if I would be able to find the trail without this cairn someone built here. 

A sculpture on the hilltop above the course.

A beautiful ocotillo starting to flower.

Just as I get to the trailhead my wife pulls up with my ride.  Sometimes things just work out perfectly.

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