Friday, April 24, 2009

Run Like The Wind


I am still not back to full strength after being sick last weekend but I'm well on the way. I'm probably 75%. It's a pleasure to be able to almost breathe normally again.

This morning I went over to the Coachella Valley Nature Preserve to check out a trail there that I had not done yet. It is on the backside of the Mesa Trail and you catch it from the trail that goes the Moon Country. I got to the trailhead and realized I left my camera at home so I snapped a few pictures with my iPhone.

Hike like you're going to Moon Country, only veer to the left side of the wash near the mountain. It's a little shorter this way and the sand is firmer.

There are a couple of trail markers so you can't miss the trail.

The trail is new and is in very good shape. It's not too steep and is good for running, not too rocky.

The only rocks at this point are reinforcements at some of the switchbacks.

As you get toward the top, this trail offers splendid views of Mount San Gorgonio.

And also, Mount San Jacinto. In fact, it has a great 360ยบ view from the top.

There WAS a cross standing here but it was obviously blown down by the wind. It was QUITE windy when I was there this morning but it felt great. So great, in fact, that I pretty much ran the whole way back. And with the wind at my back, I made it back to the car in what must have been record time. I can only imagine what I'll do when I'm 100%.

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