Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Returning to the scene of the accident

Day Seventy

Almost two weeks ago, I took a spill on the trail, hitting my head on a rock and jamming my thumb. The scab on my head is almost totally gone and while the swelling is down on my thumb it still has a way to get back to normal. I guess I sprained it pretty bad.

I hadn't been back to the spot and have had a bit of trepidation about going. I don't know why but today I got over it.

Starting up the hill, I carefully choose every step. There will be no falling down today.

Walking up the canyon I notice this dry fall below. Although I've hiked this trail numerous time I don't remember seeing it. I guess I've always been looking up to where I've been going but lately I've been looking down a bit more for some reason.

Red Barrel Cactus in bloom.

Here is the place I fell off the trail. Doesn't look like much. You can see how the bush on the left is smushed.

This is the culprit. This rock in the trail dislodged causing me to topple.

Looking closer you can see where the branches are broken and knocked down. Is that blood on one of them. Maybe that's where my head hit. Where is one of those CSI dudes when you need him?

I brought Kahlua with me today in case I needed a backup.

There are still plenty of flowers out there to enjoy and a few ducks left for me to kick over.

I've now exorcised the demon that haunted me and I'm ready to go and explore this trail again soon. I want to go and look at that dry fall and those rocks in the wash. I'm glad I saw that today and happy I came back to the scene of the accident. I finally convinced myself what I'd been telling people for the past week: it's not a big deal.

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