Sunday, March 8, 2009

Changin' with the times

Day Sixty Seven
I hate the time change. It seems like I lose more than just an hour of sleep. I've been feeling groggy all day long and my hike this morning wasn't even a long one.

I headed to the trail that is near my house that I discovered in January. If you're in the area you can find it in La Quinta near the intersection of Montezuma and Morales near the bike path. Just walk through the flood control channel and go to the right. The trail is right there.

The Brittlebush is in full bloom right now. If you enlarge the picture by clicking you can get an idea of how it just covers the hills. I think there might be a trail that goes up this wash area but that will have to wait for another day.

Someone did some very nice work on this trail. Whomever it was, thank you.

Here's a Brittlebush a little closer to the trail.

You can even follow the trail across a rock. Look closer to see the purple and white flowers which are in abundance right now.

I discovered why the Acacia is called the "catclaw" Those suckers are sharp.

The time change messes me up for at least a couple of days but on the positive side it's less likely that I'll be doing as much hiking after dark with the sun going down later. That'll make my wife happy.

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