Sunday, January 11, 2009

Keys to the Kingdom (updated)

January 11, 2009
Day Eleven

There are some hikes that only need to be done once.  Today's was one of them.  I did it twice, however, and am going to be doing it again tomorrow.  


I lost my keys.

I should know better.  It's not the first time.

Years ago, I lost a set of keys on hike and have been very careful with my keys ever since. Today, though, I was in kind of a hurry and just clipped my keys onto my belt loop with a carabiner and went.  I didn't want to take a pack so I figured that was enough.  Wrong!  It's a terrible feeling when you get to your vehicle to discover that you do not have your keys.

I backtracked and did the whole hike in reverse without any luck.  But the light was getting dim and I always carry a spare key so I gave up the search and will return tomorrow.  Hopefully in broad daylight I'll have better luck and will be able to find them.  I will post pictures tomorrow because right now I'm just a bit too tired and disgusted with myself to do so.

I really had a great hike planned for Monday but that's going to have to wait.  I may be spending my day with a locksmith.

Update with pictures:

No, I didn't find my keys even though I have now done this little hike three times.  My wife tells me that my neighbor has a metal detector and I may borrow it before I go again.  I know they're there and I don't give up easily.

This is where I went up.  There is a cross on the hilltop behind the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in La Quinta.  Can you see it on the top?  Me, neither but I know it's there so I'm be scrambling up this loose, steep gully to get there.
Success!  I don't know who put this up here but thanks a lot.  Unless this cross was here, there i is no way I'd consider humping it up this nondescript hilltop to nowhere.
At least there is a nice view from the top.
As I make my way down, I come upon another cross.  Maybe I'll kneel here and pray I find my keys on my NEXT trip up here.
Well, now that I've made it down, look what I get to climb up again!!  Since it hasn't killed me, I guess it's making me stronger.

This actually would've been a pretty fun little adventure if not for my key mishap.  If I ever do find my keys, I'm going to start looking the the Lost Dutchman's Mine and 

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